Welcome to Discovering My Life Mission, this class is the fourth of our four basic purpose-driven classes. Congratulations on making it all around the bases!

  • In CLASS 101- You committed to being a Member of God’s family.
  • In CLASS 201- You committed to the habits for Spiritual Maturity.
  • In CLASS 301- You committed to having a Ministry in our church.
  • In CLASS 401- You will begin to discover your Mission in the world.

The Purpose of this Class:

That I commit the rest of life to being a messenger of God’s Good News to other people, and using my time, talents, and treasure for his Kingdom, regardless of where it leads or what it costs.

“We make it our goal to please him…” 2 Corinthians 5:9 (NIV)

“…our goal is to measure up to God’s plan for us…” 2 Corinthians 10:13 (LB)